Estimation and Detection of Air Pollution in the Coastal Provinces of the Persian Gulf with a Regional Climate Approach

Document Type : Research Article


1 Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran

2 PhD, Department of Physical Geography, Climatology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran


One of the most important atmospheric challenges in recent decades in metropolitan areas is air pollution, which is caused by various natural and human factors and has harmful impacts on humans and the environment. Accordingly, investigating air pollution is important and necessary. For estimating the amount of carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide, as well as water vapor in the atmosphere in southern and southwestern provinces in 2018-2019, the data of Sentinel-5 satellite images was used. The findings showed the maximum concentration of Co with the value of 0.037 mol/m^2 in April 2019, the maximum concentration of H2O with the value of 3703 mol/m^2 in August 2019 and the maximum concentration of NO2 with the value of 0.000188 mol/m^2 in November 2018. The maximum daily LST value was 324.5 degrees Kelvin in June 2019 and the maximum nighttime LST value was 302.5 degrees Kelvin in June 2019. The maximum thickness of the optical depth of aerosols with a value of 13.79 μg/m^3 at a wavelength (0.47 μm) was in July 2019 and its lowest value with a value of 1.57 μg/m^3 in a wavelength of (55 /0 μm) was in November 2018. The results of temporal and spatial monitoring of CO, NO2, H2O, LST and AOD values give the possibility of a more concrete understanding of spatial and temporal changes of the examined components on a regional macro scale.

Graphical Abstract

Estimation and Detection of Air Pollution in the Coastal Provinces of the Persian Gulf with a Regional Climate Approach


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