Evaluating and Identifying Potential Areas for the Construction of Industrial Parks in Urmia City

Document Type : Research Article


1 MA in Regional Planning, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

2 MA in Urban Design, Tabriz Islamic Art University, Tabriz, Iran

3 Postoctoral in Urban Planning, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Urmia city is a region with high potential for the development of industrial centers. However, in the last few decades, the indiscriminate development of industries in this area has led to environmental and socio-economic problems. This study aimed to identify areas prone to the construction of an industrial town in this city and evaluate the existing areas. In order to collect the required data of this descriptive-analytical study, library studies were used. Moreover, in order to achieve the goals of the research, the combined Boolean and fuzzy multi-criteria evaluation method were used. At first, relying on seven criteria of distance from the city, slope, height, fault, waterway, communication lines and land use, maps of restrictions and factors were drawn. In the second step, the fuzzy primary suitability map and the Boolean primary suitability map were prepared and finally, based on the correlation coefficients and standard deviation of the operators, gamma 0.5 was chosen as the most appropriate gamma to overlap the two mentioned maps. The results showed that about 94% of the area of ​​the region is completely unsuitable for the establishment of industries and only about 6% of the area are approximately suitable to completely suitable. Regarding the evaluation of the establishment of the existing industrial areas, it was found that the industrial town of Phase 1 and 2, Karimabad industrial area and the electronics and food industry town are located in the inappropriate area of ​​establishment. Moreover, ​​8 square kilometers of the Phase 3 of the industrial town is located in the suitable area for settlement and 1 square kilometer is located in the unsuitable area for settlement.

Graphical Abstract

Evaluating and Identifying Potential Areas for the Construction of Industrial Parks in Urmia City


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