The Investigation and Analysis of Natural Hazards and Human and Environmental Issues in Sanandaj for Providing Appropriate Solutions

Document Type : Research Article


1 MA in Environmental Hazards, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran

2 Associate Professor in Geomorphology, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran

3 Assistant Professor in Geomorphology, University of Kurdistan, , Sanandaj, Iran


In recent years, along with the increase in the population of urban areas, urban hazards have also increased. Sanandaj is one of the cities that have a high potential for the occurrence of hazards. Therefore, this study explored Sanandaj’s areas vulnerable to the risk of slope movements, floods, earthquakes, pollution, and traffic. According to the objectives, two integrated models of Fuzzy logic and the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) were used and areas vulnerable to each of the mentioned hazards were identified. The results indicate that many of western parts and also the northern parts of Sanandaj city are prone to slope movements due to the high slope and height. Moreover, due to the existence of the Gheshlagh River in the eastern half of the city as well as the presence of low slope areas in its central part, many parts of the Sanandaj city have a great potential to cause floods. The assessment of the potentials for earthquake vulnerability indicates that the western and central parts of Sanandaj have a high potential for vulnerability due to proximity to fault lines, high slope, lack of access to open space, and high population density. Regarding pollution and traffic, the central parts of Sanandaj city have a high potential for pollution and traffic due to high population density and the existence of various uses like transportation. The western and northern parts of Sanandaj are prone to large-scale movements and have a high potential for earthquake. The eastern parts of Sanandaj have a high potential for floods. The southern parts of Sanandaj are prone to floods and have a high potential for earthquakes. Moreover, the central parts of Sanandaj have a high potential of pollution and traffic.

Graphical Abstract

The Investigation and Analysis of Natural Hazards and Human and Environmental Issues in Sanandaj for Providing Appropriate Solutions


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