Investigating the Earthquake Cloud Precursor in the 2017 Azgeleh Earthquake in Kermanshah, Iran

Document Type : Research Article


1 MA in Remote Sensing, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran

2 Associate Professor in Climatology, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran


The earthquake cloud is an ancient and visual precursor of an earthquake that sometimes is formed several days before the event, above the earthquake fault and often close to the epicenter. The most important characteristic of an earthquake cloud is that it emanates from the ground and remains in the sky for hours. This study aimed to find the major 2017 Azgeleh earthquake cloud by visual interpretation of Meteosat-8 satellite images. The characteristics of the cloud in question were then investigated using the same satellite products. By searching the infrared images, the Azgeleh earthquake cloud was found. The cloud was shown to have had a geological origin, and the formation of such a cloud was unusual in that region. The Azgeleh earthquake occurred near the High Zagros Fault (HZF), whereas its cloud had been formed 12 days earlier and about 700 km away from its epicenter, on other parts of the same fault, along a 160-km-long line. The study revealed that this high cloud consists of two parts: a high-pressure source and a tail diluted by the wind. Moreover, the moderate 2021 Sisakht earthquake cloud was found, which had been formed 6 days earlier and near the epicenter. Visually searching for earthquake clouds from the ground or space is a public scientific hobby, particularly among amateur meteorologists using satellite imagery. The formation of an earthquake cloud above a fault can be a warning of a possible impending earthquake on that fault, which, of course, requires further investigation.

Graphical Abstract

Investigating the Earthquake Cloud Precursor in the 2017 Azgeleh Earthquake in Kermanshah, Iran


Main Subjects

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