Assessing the Vulnerability of Power Distribution Network to Natural Flood Hazards: A Case Study of the Behdan Watershed in Birjand County

Document Type : Research Article


1 Assistant Professor in Remote Sensing and Geographic information system, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran

2 Associate Professor in Rural Geography, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran

3 دکتری آبخیزداری، اداره کل منابع طبیعی استان خراسان جنوبی، بیرجند، ایران

4 MA in Geography, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran


According to the South Khorasan Province Electricity Distribution Company report, almost all the villages of the province are eqipped with electricity and related services. Since the density of settlements as well as industrial and service centers and consequently the electricity distribution network in the Shahroud watershed located in Birjand county is higher than other basins of the province, as well as, considering the damage caused to the masts and transmission beams of the electricity network in the past years, this study investigated the zoning of the vulnerability of the electricity distribution network against natural hazards in the Behdan watershed as a case to implement the model and estimate possible damages. To conduct this research, first, a map of the bases, the 20 kV network and other facilities of the electricity distribution company was prepared, topographical maps were used and matched with the electricity distribution network, and the effective lines were identified. Due to the absence of a hydrometric station in the studied area, the flood discharge of the studied basin was determined using the experimental-analytical method. In order to determine the flood zones, the transverse profile of the canals was first taken using the DGPS device. Using a photogrammetry drone, images were taken and, a digital elevation model was prepared. Then, the 100-year flood height model in each sub-basin was determined using Hec Ras software, and the flood area was determined using Hec Geo Ras extension in ArcGIS. Finally, the facilities related to the electricity distribution company exposed to flood damage and the possible costs caused by the flood were calculated for a representative basin.

Graphical Abstract

Assessing the Vulnerability of Power Distribution Network to Natural Flood Hazards: A Case Study of the Behdan Watershed in Birjand County


Main Subjects

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