Vulnerability assessment of Helen Forest protected area to multiple environmental hazards

Document Type : Research Article


1 MSc in Forest management, Shahrekord University, Shahrekord, Iran.

2 Associate Professor in Environment, Shahrekord University, Shahrekord, Iran

3 Associate Professor in Forest management, Shahrekord University, Shahrekord, Iran


Extended Abstract
Despite the high importance of protected areas in providing ecosystem services essential to humans, the destruction and degradation of these unique areas have intensified, and this process continues. These damages and declines in the quality of protected areas occur due to various natural and man-made factors, including droughts, rising air temperatures, soil erosion, diseases, landslides, deforestation, agricultural land development, illegal hunting, and the destructive effects of pollutants and sewage. Therefore, planning and providing appropriate tools to mitigate the adverse effects of environmental hazards are crucial. The aim of this study is to evaluate the vulnerability of the Helen Forest Protected Area in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province to multiple environmental hazards by combining sensitivity and exposure profiles. In fact, this research constitutes the first stage of the integrated vulnerability assessment process for the protected areas of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province. The methods and results of this study will provide critical information regarding the intensity of exposure to multiple environmental hazards across the province’s protected areas.
Material and Methods
Study Area: The Helen Forest Protected Area is located between 31°55´37´´ north latitude and 50°53´11´´ east longitude, with an area of 20,131 hectares in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province, southwest Iran.
To assess the vulnerability of the Helen Forest Protected Area to multiple environmental hazards, a field survey was conducted using systematic random sample plots of circular shape, each with an area of 1 hectare, located on a grid of 2000 m x 2000 m. Based on changes in canopy cover percentages derived from the plots, a sensitivity map of forest habitats was prepared and standardized. In the next phase, standardized maps for five environmental hazards—drought, evapotranspiration, wildfire, flood, and landslide—were created by analyzing climatic data, such as monthly precipitation and evapotranspiration rates, as well as the results of previous studies.
Using the Delphi method and analyzing the opinions of five experts in forest habitat conservation, the relative weights of the environmental hazards were calculated. In the final stage, the standardized sensitivity and environmental hazard maps were multiplied by their calculated relative weights. By integrating the dimensionless weighted maps of environmental hazards and forest habitat sensitivity, a vulnerability classification map with three categories—low, moderate, and high—was produced.
Results and Discussion
The results of the calculated relative weights for each environmental hazard indicated that drought had the highest relative weight (0.95) among all the hazards studied, followed by wildfire (0.9). The integration of the weighted sensitivity maps of the habitats and the environmental hazards revealed that the vulnerability of the Helen Protected Forest Area ranged from 1.25 to 3.38. Variations in habitat sensitivity and hazard intensity across different parts of the area resulted in heterogeneity and a concentration of high vulnerability levels in specific sections of the study area.
The classification of the vulnerability map into three categories—low, medium, and high vulnerability—showed that 6,701.8 hectares (23%) fall into the low vulnerability category, 10,806.3 hectares (37%) fall into the medium category, and 11,664.4 hectares (51%) are classified as highly vulnerable.
This research offers a detailed spatial map of vulnerability patterns across the Helen Protected Area, providing critical information for conservation planning and the prioritization of management actions. These actions aim to prevent or mitigate damages caused by multiple environmental hazards in the region.
This study focused on assessing natural environmental hazards and the sensitivity of forest habitats. However, to achieve a comprehensive vulnerability assessment of the Helen Protected Area, it is essential to also examine man-made hazards. Therefore, future studies should investigate the effects of man-made hazards such as exploitation, livestock grazing, rural development, agriculture, and tourism on the forest habitats and protected area of Helen. Such studies could enhance understanding of the vulnerability dynamics in the region and improve conservation and management planning.
Additionally, it is suggested that future studies consider other environmental hazards, such as pests and diseases, to assess the vulnerability of the Helen Forest Protected Area. Furthermore, when analyzing changes in the structure and extent of forest habitats, area and density indicators should be employed as sensitivity criteria in vulnerability assessments.


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