Vulnerability zoning of the electricity distribution network against the natural flood hazard, case study Behdan basin, Birjand county

Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of Geography, Faculty of Humanities, University of Birjand

2 دانشیار گروه جغرافیا، دانشکده ادبیات و علوم انسانی، دانشگاه بیرجند، بیرجند، ایران

3 دکتری آبخیزداری، اداره کل منابع طبیعی استان خراسان جنوبی، بیرجند، ایران

4 دانشجوی کارشناسی ارشد جغرافیا، گرایش مخاطرات محیطی، دانشگاه بیرجند، بیرجند، ایران


electrification and energy supply to villages is an important matter and if special attention is not paid to it, it will have adverse effects. Most of the country's villages are located in mountainous and valley areas. Due to their special conditions such as ease of access, the areas near the rivers are suitable places for carrying out activities such as the construction of rural roads and electricity distribution networks. These areas are always exposed to the dangers of floods. The purpose of this research is to zone the vulnerability of the distribution network against the natural risk of flooding in Birjand city. In order to conduct this research, firstly, meteorological and flood data were obtained from the stations in the area or nearby. After checking and validating the statistics obtained using experimental models, floods were calculated with different return periods. The coefficients of the models were calibrated by using the affine station which has a hydrometric station as a reference station. after that, flood calculation was done based on Deacon's experimental model. To select the flood model based on the state of waterways, traditional knowledge and documents available in the research centers of South Khorasan province were used. Longitudinal and transverse profile mapping of the river and modeling of Hec GEO Ras model, flood modeling in Hec Ras and flood zoning were done in ArcGIS software environment. The zones obtained from the previous stage were overlapped with the facilities of the electricity distribution company, the equipment that will be damaged in a possible flood with a return period of 100 years, was identified and its possible costs were calculated for a representative area.

Graphical Abstract

Vulnerability zoning of the electricity distribution network against the natural flood hazard, case study Behdan basin, Birjand county


Main Subjects