Explaining the Impact Pattern of Urban Resilience Capacity on Food Security of Urban Households during the Corona Pandemic (Case Study: Masal City)

Document Type : Research Article


PhD Researcher in Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zanjan University, Zanjan, Iran


Over the recent years, the corona virus has seriously jeopardized progress in reducing poverty, improving hunger, increasing health care, and improving the quality of education. The outbreak of the virus, according to international organizations, has increased the number of hungry, poor and malnourished people, and has left the world with a wave of food insecurity. In this regard, the role of urban resilience capacity at the household and community level in reducing the impacts of the crisis on the quality of life and restoring the original power and maintaining it during a pandemic is significant. Resilience capacity is a set of conditions, considered to make families resilient enough to deal with shocks. Resilience capacity in this study have absorption, adaptiveness and variability aspects as well as a wide range of specific capacities. This survey is descriptive-analytical. Also, considering the analysis of the relationship between independent variables (resilience capacity) and dependent is also a correlation research. The statistical population of the study included heads of households in Masal city. The sampling method was multi-stage cluster sampling and sample size were determined using Cochran's formula of 384 people. The aim is to explain the capacity of urban resilience to maintain food security during the Corona pandemic in Masal. SPSS and LISREL 8.80 were used for this purpose. Structural equations show that the capacities have been effective in improving food security. The following capacities also reduced Corona's negative impacts on food security: social and human capital, information, assets, livelihood diversity, safety shelters, market access, women's empowerment, governance, and psychological capabilities like trust for adaptation.

Graphical Abstract

Explaining the Impact Pattern of Urban Resilience Capacity on Food Security of Urban Households during the Corona Pandemic (Case Study: Masal City)


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