Tectonic and Erosion Analysis of Shahid Abbasspour Dam Catchment using Geomorphometric Techniques

Document Type : Research Article


1 Assistant Professor in Geomorphology, Marine Geology Department, Marine Natural Resources Faculty, Khorramshahr University of Marine Science and Technology, Khorramshahr, Iran

2 MSc in Geomorphology, Khorramshahr University of Marine Science and Technology, Khorramshahr, Iran


An assessment of tectonic activity, especially active tectonic movements and the resulting hazards, requires a thorough understanding of geomorphological processes. Many geomorphological features are very sensitive to active tectonic movements and change with them. The aim of this study was to use geomorphic indices, that is, basin asymmetry factor (AF), basin sinuosity index (S), basin shape index (BS), river longitudinal slope index (SL), bifurcation ratio (Rb), unevenness number (Rn), relative relief index (Bh), mountain front sinuosity (Smf), drainage density (Dd), hypsometry, drawing and analysis of erosion maps of formations, soils and land use to identify the relationship of tectonic activity with soil erosion in Karun catchment area (upstream of Shahid Abbaspour Dam). The results show that tectonic activity in erodible formations causes lateral erosion and as a result the soils are eroded, but in resistant formations the tectonic activity has low effect, so the soils are strong. Sub-channels often enter the main stream at an acute angle. Karun River in the study basin is spread on soft and erodible formations such as Gurpi, Pabdeh, Aghajari, Gachsaran and Mishan and flows with less intensity. In this case, the erosion in the river route is low. The most erosion is along the river in the center and southeast of the basin. The basin is hypsometrically balanced and the topographic and geomorphic appearance of the studied basin is affected by tectonic activities, which results in high elevation and sloping of basin. The streams flow is almost irregular. Sub-streams also often enter the main stream at an acute angle. The drainage density of the canals is low and the soil is highly permeable, covered with dense vegetation and coarse-grained drainage.

Graphical Abstract

Tectonic and Erosion Analysis of Shahid Abbasspour Dam Catchment using Geomorphometric Techniques


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