Spatial Distribution of Annual Precipitation Frequency trend in Northwest of Iran from 1970 to 2013

Document Type : Research Article


1 Professor of Climatology, Zanjan University, Zanjan, Iran

2 Ph.D. Student in Climatology, Zanjan University, Zanjan, Iran


Precipitation is one of the most significant elements and phenomena of the climate. Understanding precipitation and identifying its changes is one of the first steps in environmental planning based on climate knowledge. It seems that the trend of time series of precipitation has a nonlinear behavior rather than a linear pattern. Therefore, in this research, the aim was to examine the spatial distribution of the frequency of annual precipitation in the northwest of Iran in the statistical period of 1970 to 2013, using linear and polynomial patterns. In this regard, the data from 219 synoptic, climatological and precipitation stations were used. The results have shown that linear models are associated with many weaknesses in detecting the annual precipitation trend in northwestern Iran; In a way, according to a linear model, the precipitation frequency had a significant trend in only 21.82% of northwestern Iran. While, with the addition of 2 degree and 3 degree models, the trend of precipitation frequency in 83.1% of the region was significant. If we consider the model with the highest degree as the basis for selecting the best model in each pixel; then, the trend of annual precipitation frequency in 6.4% of northwestern Iran has a linear pattern, in 10.7% a pattern of 2 degree and in 66% a pattern of 3degree. Also, Lake Urmia and the central mountain range in the region have played a clear role in the diversity of the spatial distribution of precipitation trends. In a way, it is the center of 2nd degree trends and at least a large part of the linear trends around the lake and in the west of the central mountains.

Graphical Abstract

Spatial Distribution of Annual Precipitation Frequency trend in Northwest of Iran from 1970 to 2013


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