Detection of temperature differences due to urban and suburban land use changes (Case study: Urmia city)

Document Type : Research Article


1 PhD student in Climatology, Noor Branch, Islamic Azad University, Noor, Iran

2 Professor of Climatology, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Associate Professor of Remote Sensing, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran

4 Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Noor Branch, Islamic Azad University, Noor, Iran


Detection of temperature differences due to urban and suburban land use changes
(Case study: Urmia city)

The study was written aimed at detecting land use changes and its relationship to the ground temperature using Landsat satellite images during the 1990 and 2019 period. For this purpose, the city's land uses were classified and analyzed using 50 land sample positions from the visible composition of the Landste images using the supervised classification algorithm in the GIS environment. The results showed that urban lands had undergone significant changes. The surface temperature of the different uses using the glow temperature algorithm showed that the land -free lands at 33.5 degrees Celsius had the highest temperature, while the lowest average temperature at 25.4 degrees Celsius was for the use of gardens. In terms of temperature variability, the gardens at 7.5 degrees Celsius had the most variable average temperature average, while the water agricultural zone at 2.1 degrees Celsius had the lowest level of temperature standard deviation. The results of correlation analysis between temperature difference and land use change showed that the correlation coefficient between temperature changes and urban areas was 0.86 and 0.82 in the irrigated agricultural zone . The use of gardens, waste lands and marsh areas was also the correlation between periodic land use changes and temperature changes more than 0.8 and are significant at 0.95 reliability. But at the level of rangelands , rainfed agriculture and water zone, correlation or significant connection were not observed at the level of confidence

Graphical Abstract

Detection of temperature differences due to urban and suburban land use changes
(Case study: Urmia city)


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