Identifying and Measuring the Importance of Spatial Policy Indicators for Rural Flood Risk Management

Document Type : Research Article


1 PhD Candidate in Geography and Rural Planning, Tarbiat Modares University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Rural Planning, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

3 Professor, Department of Geography and Rural Planning, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


Spatial policy regarding flood risk management is a series of actions that aims at achieving a logical solution for reducing the damages caused by floods and reducing the spread of floods. Spatial policies for flood risk management in villages are at the intersection of many management considerations, and thus, when formulating spatial policies for flood risk management, several indicators including environmental, economic, social-cultural, managerial-institutional and physical indicators should be considered. In this regard, this research examined the importance of each of the indicators in formulating the spatial policy of flood risk management in villages. According to the purpose of the research, which is identifying the importance of indicators in spatial policy making, the statistical population of the research consisted of experts, including academic faculty members specializing in this field, graduates and doctoral students defending their theses on the issues, and the people in charge. For this purpose, 70 participants were selected. From their point of view, the relevant questionnaire has a good level of validity and reliability with Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.97, which shows a very good level, considering the type of indicators and the number of samples. ANOVA, statistical tests, and Duncan's post hoc statistical test were used. The results indicated that the environmental index has the least importance with the value of 2.9484 in spectrum one along with the economic index with the value 1056/3. Social-cultural indicators with a value of 3.2381 and managerial-institutional indicators with a value of 3.3105 are close. The two indicators (social-cultural and managerial-institutional), due to their closeness to the significance of physical index (land use), were placed in the third spectrum. The only index that was separately placed in one spectrum and group is the physical index (land use). This indicator with the value of 3.4186 is in the third group and has the largest sub-set, which shows the greater importance of this index on spatial policy of flood risk management in villages.

Graphical Abstract

Identifying and Measuring the Importance of Spatial Policy Indicators for Rural Flood Risk Management


Main Subjects

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