Spatial-Temporal behavior of the reactivation of the paleolandslide in Hossein abad Village, Kalpush, Northeast of Iran

Document Type : Research Article


1 PhD in Geomorphology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

2 Professor in Geomorpholoy, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

3 Professor in Geology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

4 Associate Professor in GIScience, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

5 Associate Professor Statistics, University of Bojnord, Bojnord, Iran


Extended Abstract
Landslides are natural hazards in mountainous regions that cause significant damage to man-made structures, such as buildings, roads, and power transmission lines. Complex geological, geomorphological, and climatic conditions lead to slope failures, where paleo landslides, formed during the Quaternary period, stabilize over time. These historical landslides often reactivate due to triggers such as earthquakes, heavy rainfall, river erosion, changes in reservoir water levels (RWL), road construction, and deforestation. Additionally, anthropogenic factors, such as construction within the landslide mass or agricultural activities on the crown of the landslide, can further destabilize these areas. The threat to human life and infrastructure is especially high when cities and villages are located on or near old landslides. Examples of this can be seen in the Vajont Dam disaster in Italy and the Three Gorges Dam in China.
In Iran, especially in the Alborz and Zagros mountain ranges, numerous ancient landslides exist that reactivate under the influence of earthquakes, heavy rainfall, and human activities. Assessing the vulnerability of buildings to such phenomena is critical. Various methods, including InSAR radar interferometry and Permanent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI), are employed to monitor slow-moving landslides and evaluate their impact on structures. This study, integrating geomorphological data, landslide kinematics, and building vulnerability assessment, focuses on the reactivation of the Hossein Abad landslide in northern Iran and analyzes its spatial-temporal behavior.
Material and Methods
Hossein Abad village, located in the Kalpush district of Miyami County in Semnan Province, is the largest village in the region. Situated on moderate slopes and atop four old landslide terrains with an average slope of 14%, the village has expanded over time. This study was conducted in four stages, involving the collection, production, processing, and interpretation of historical, field, and radar remote sensing data.
Initially, a landslide geomorphological map of the active old landslides in Hossein Abad was produced using aerial photos, geological maps, and UAV images. Then, the radar interferometry technique was applied to analyze the kinematics of the landslide movement, with displacement rate maps generated from Sentinel-1A/B radar data. Subsequently, the vulnerability of buildings in the village was assessed through field visits and questionnaires, and a vulnerability map was produced using the classification method proposed by Palmisano et al., 2016. Damage to buildings was classified based on various indicators such as material type, structural characteristics, and crack patterns. The study also analyzed the spatial relationship between landslide movement and building vulnerability, focusing on the geomorphological context of the landslides.
Results and Discussion
In the village of Hossein Abad, four old landslides were identified, and over time, the development of the village and construction activities mainly expanded on the southern slope, directly over two large, old landslides. In 2013, the Hossein Abad earthen dam was constructed near these landslides, with a capacity of approximately 16 million cubic meters of water. Heavy snowfall and rainfall in late 2018 activated these landslides, causing significant damage, including the collapse of more than 160 buildings. The main landslide, covering 22 hectares, exhibited rotational and compound movement over a marl-limestone bedrock.
The reactivation of the old landslide was confirmed through spatial analysis using permanent scatterers between 2018 and 2020. Significant horizontal and vertical displacements were observed, especially near the landslide toe and areas with visible groundwater flow. These deformations were largely driven by groundwater fluctuations influenced by the nearby dam reservoir.
In the vulnerability assessment of buildings, 67 structures were evaluated in the region. Approximately 60% of these buildings were constructed with traditional brick masonry and were located in landslide-prone areas. Many of these buildings suffered heavy damage due to ground movements and structural changes. The greatest damage occurred at the landslide toe, where upraising and settlement of the ground were most significant. The study indicates that modern concrete buildings at the toe of the landslide experienced less damage compared to older, masonry structures. Additionally, the results suggest that using lighter materials and locating buildings away from the center of landslides can mitigate damage. The investigation further emphasizes the effectiveness of integrating ground displacement monitoring with building vulnerability assessment.
This study utilizes Permanent Scatterer InSAR data and building damage analysis across different zones of the Hossein Abad landslide to investigate its spatial behavior. The results show that the vulnerability of buildings in landslide-prone areas can be assessed based on the type of landslide kinematics, building resistance, and the geomorphological features of the affected area. The study indicates that the Hossein Abad landslide reactivates with each occurrence of heavy rainfall or changes in groundwater levels, causing significant damage to buildings. Even after reconstruction, similar damage is likely to occur, highlighting the ongoing instability of the region.


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