The scientific journal of "Geography and Environmental Hazards" was launched in 1391 by Ferdowsi University of Mashhad in cooperation with the Iranian Association of Geomorphology of Iran. This journal is the first scientific-research journal in Iran that highlights the important subject of environmental hazards and tries to publish the results of the researches related to geographical dispersion, management and planning in order to reduce the effects of natural hazards and prevent the occurrence of technological hazards.

Current Issue: Volume 13, Issue 4 - Serial Number 52, December 2024, Pages 1-405 

Simulation and forecasting of some climatic variables by SDSM multiple linear model and RCP scenarios in Hajiler watershed

Pages 244-268


SeyedAsdollah Hejazi; Mohammad Hossein Rezaei Moghaddam; Jamshid Yarahmadi; Fariba Karami; Ali Bigham

Spatial-Temporal behavior of the reactivation of the paleolandslide in Hossein abad Village, Kalpush, Northeast of Iran

Pages 314-343


Mahdieh Ghayoor Bolorfroshan; Seyed Reza Hosseinzadeh; Gholam Reza Lashkaripour; Masoud Minaei; Hakimeh Morabbi Heravi

Keywords Cloud

FloodIranGISLandslidedroughtResilienceland useVulnerabilityAir PollutionAHPPrecipitationRemote sensingzoningEnvironmental hazardsModelingSynoptic Analysisnatural hazardsMODISMashhadDustTehransubsidenceMarkov chainSoil ErosionTrendLand use changeCrisis ManagementSpatial Analysiszonationdust stormEnvironmentGeomorphologyFuzzy logicHEC-RAS modelland use changessynopticSocial ResilienceCluster analysisPhysical resilienceland subsidenceLand surface temperatureAODErosionKermanshahRisk ManagementNorthwest of IranUrban ResilienceHazardsMaximum temperatureextreme precipitationsynoptic patternsRCP scenariosLandfillSite SelectiondesertificationDownscalingPollutionANPKrigingTectonicUncertaintyActive TectonicsIlamMiddle EastForecastheat IslandsTOPSISRisk AssessmentAtmospheric hazardsFireGeographic Information SystemFlood zoningmorphologypassive defenseFlood hazard mappingSustainable developmentLandscape MetricsMachine learningShahdad

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