Investigating the vulnerability of Ardabil city road network against natural disasters (earthquake) (Case study: Imam Khomeini Street, Shahr)

Document Type : Research Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Ardabil Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ardabil, Iran

2 Master in Geography and Urban Planning, Ardabil Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ardabil, Iran


Reducing the vulnerability of cities to earthquakes is one of the objectives of urban planning. The urban road network is one of the factors that have a significant impact on the city's vulnerability to earthquakes. It is necessary to study the vulnerability of the urban road network and to plan to reduce this damage. This research was carried out by a descriptive-analytical method and using the AHP multi-criteria evaluation model, with the aim of evaluating the network of urban roads against earthquakes, in Imam Khomeini street, city of Ardabil. The data collection method in this research is mainly in the field and the library method. To assess the vulnerability of Imam Khomeini Street in Ardabil, five criteria of density, construction characteristics, natural factors, accessibility and degree of confinement were used. Type of materials, number of floors of buildings, ground floor of buildings, compatibility of uses, the criteria of natural factors including the distance to the fault and the distance to the river and the access criteria include three sub -criteria of passage width, existence of intersections and secondary roads and access to rescue centers. Imam Khomeini Street was divided into nineteen sections and finally the scores of each section were overlaid according to the criteria and sub-criteria in the form of Expert Choice software and the final street vulnerability map was produced in the Arc GIS software. The final results indicate that the highest level of vulnerability is observed in the central parts.

Graphical Abstract

Investigating the vulnerability of Ardabil city road network against natural disasters (earthquake)  (Case study: Imam Khomeini Street, Shahr)


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